Main » 2011 » December » 20
FB Refresh allows you to set a custom image URL as your FB homepage wallpaper. This allows endless possibilities of customization.You will never have to see the same login page again :) FB Refresh does not affect any other part of your Facebook, and NEVER has access to your personal data, passwords or anything of the like.
You can enter a custom image URL as the background. This means you can add an image of any dimension, including HD wallpaper. Remember, however, that the larger the image, the slower the load time.
To change the background image to one of your own:
#1 - Install FB Refresh
#2 - Go to your extensions page chrome://extensions/
#3 - Find the "FB Refresh" extension and click the "Options" link.
#4 - Enter your image URL in the box and select if you want it to repeat horizontally or vertically (or both) an
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SCADA stands for
Supervisory Control
And Data
Acquisition. The main goal of SCADA is to monitor, control and alarm plant or regional
operating systems from a central location. While override control is possible, it
is infrequently utilized; however control set points are quite regularly changed
In a municipal context, "plant"
systems are typically water and wastewater treatment facilities, while
"regional" systems include intake and/or effluent structures, pumping
stations, chlorination stations, control valve stations and the like.
What makes up a SCADA
There are three main elements to a SCADA
system, various RTU's (Remote
Telemetry Units),
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Boot loader is the first
software program that runs when a computer starts. It is responsible
for loading and transferring control to the operating system kernel software. The kernel, in turn, initializes the rest of the operating system
GRUB (GRand Unified Bootloader),
which is installed by default, is a very powerful boot loader. GRUB can
load a variety of free operating systems, as well as proprietary
operating systems with chain-loading (the mechanism for loading
unsupported operating systems, such as DOS or Windows, by loading
another boot loader).