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Main » 2014 » May » 24 » Exploiting Android with Metasploit Framework | Learn Ethical Hacking India
0:55 AM
Exploiting Android with Metasploit Framework | Learn Ethical Hacking India

Today we will talk about something interesting , YES :) , As we all know today Android is the best mobile OS and crossed over 80% of global mobile users. Hence in this article we will try to exploit android through the one and only hacker's love - > Metasploit Framework.

1. Kali Linux / Backtrack 5 (Having MSF)
2. Android Phone ( Jelly Beans - I am Using Samsung S3)
3. Common Wireless Network ( Using Hotspot)

I am not gona take much time hence will do it fast in simple steps. So lets go.

Step 1: Open Your Kali terminal and type the following command.

Step 2: After pressing the enter key, just type ls for listing the files on same directory. And you will see app.apk file.

Step 3: Now use the exploit i.e exploit/multi/handler , set the respective payload and after setting lhost and lport just type exploit to trigger the exploit.

Step 4: Now send the .apk file we just created to victim, it will be having an M icon showing Metasploit icon on it. As user tries to install it you on attacker machine i.e Kali Linux in our case will get the reverse connection.

Step 5: Now as you can see in below image we got the shell of the Android phone and can have access to its data. If the phone is rooted then you can even get Call Logs, SMS and other data stored in the internal storage space.

Views: 8663 | Added by: defaultNick | Tags: android exploitation, remote shell, Kali Linux, Mobile Security, Metasploit, BackTrack, ethical hacking | Rating: 3.0/2
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